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Letters to the Editor

Dean urges students to apply to reopened Paris Noir program

The College of Arts and Sciences is the intellectual heart and soul of Syracuse University, providing the liberal arts core to every Syracuse undergraduate. With that unique positioning comes great responsibility — one that I take quite seriously as dean.

Nearly two weeks ago, it was announced that one of SU Abroad’s most revered programs — Paris Noir — would not be offered this summer due to low enrollment. Like any other class, course, or study abroad program with low enrollment in a given year, the university has to re-evaluate whether the program can still be offered.

In the wake of this announcement, I heard from Syracuse alumni, alumni of the Paris Noir program, students, faculty and staff. What I heard was a passionate plea to ensure this program goes on as planned, as it has for the last 14 years.
And that’s what I intend to do; but I need your help to make it happen.

I’ve asked my team to work alongside the SU Abroad team and the program’s faculty director associate professor Janis Mayes — who supports this decision enthusiastically — to reopen the application process for Paris Noir 2015. We have the full backing of university leadership including Chancellor Kent Syverud and Interim Provost Liz Liddy; with their support, I’m confident we can make this summer’s Paris Noir the best experience yet.

It’s going to take hard work, collaboration and our best recruiting efforts to make sure we meet our enrollment objectives. We are going to do everything in our power to promote this opportunity, communicate its tremendous value and assist students with the application and financial aid process.

Paris Noir is a hallmark study abroad program and one that the university wants to see continue for many more years. Personally, I believe studying abroad is a cornerstone of any liberal arts education and it is my hope that any student that wants to travel internationally has the opportunity to do so during their time at Syracuse University.

For students interested in learning more about Paris Noir or to begin the application period, please contact Marie Kulikowsky by email at or by phone at 443-9419.

Together, we can make each student’s Paris Noir dream become a reality.


Karin Ruhlandt
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

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