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Letters to the Editor

Student asks SU community to give to Nepal relief efforts

I am sure by now you are all aware of what has happened to Nepal. The country was struck by an earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude around Saturday noon local time. Since then there have been around 100 aftershocks including the one of a 6.7 magnitude about 25 hours later. The capital city is heavily destroyed. The situation outside the capital is yet to be discovered. The death toll has crossed 5000 and is going to hit a much higher number as the bodies under the rubbles are yet to be recovered and the destruction sites outside Kathmandu are yet to be accessed. Thousands have been injured. This pain can’t ever be described in words. When I go back I will never see my country as it was before.

Now the fear of aftershock is almost over. But there is even a bigger fear looming over these victims — the epidemic. It may claim more lives than the quake already has. What is seen in the media is already horrific but the actual extent of the damage is going to be beyond anyone can think of.

At this moment all we need is help. If you could donate a few dollars it will help a lot of victims. It’s cheap in Nepal. Even a dollar can buy some food. It can help save lives of many. Inside these links, here and here, you can find several ways to donate. Please do so.

Also we have an Association of Nepalese Mathematicians in America. This is an authentic registered organization. They are raising funds to help the victims most in need directly. Because the Government aid program works in mass, most of the times it fails to pay enough attention to individuals who need immediate care. If you want to donation through them you can do so by visiting

Also the Nepalese society at Syracuse called Syracuse Nepali Samaj is fund-raising to directly help the victims outside Kathmandu with food, water, shelters and basic medical needs. You can visit their Facebook page here. To make donation through them please visit

Please help spread this message. I am sure there are people out there who would not refuse to donate small amount — as I said even a dollar helps a lot.

I personally and on behalf of my country am very grateful to the international community, the NGO’s, INGO’s, volunteers and individuals who are giving us so much love and care. I am thankful to all those who express their sympathies towards Nepal. Your love will help us heal quickly. The disaster killed a few thousand humans but the world is witnessing humanity getting stronger.

Let’s pray together for Nepal.
God bless us all!

Khim Raj Shrestha
Ph D Candidate
Syracuse University

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