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Letters to the Editor

Alumnus calls for removal of vehicles from Schine Student Center lot

Waverly Avenue is Syracuse University’s front yard to the outside world, to prospective students and parents and to visiting dignitaries like Vice President Biden who will visit the campus this Thursday, Nov. 12, as part of the “It’s On Us” campaign’s National Week of Action. He will attend an event at the Goldstein Auditorium in the Schine Student Center. Bird Library, Schine Student Center, Newhouse School of Public Communications and Crouse-Hinds Hall all face on Waverly Avenue as well as other SU buildings on the north side. Last year, the Dick Clark Studio was added onto the Newhouse building.

All of these buildings on Waverly Avenue are handsome and presentable for a major university … except one. The university has tolerated a horrible appearance on Schine Student Center by allowing a dozen or so private employee vehicles and some trucks to park in the front yard. In addition, the huge loading doors are always left wide open.

Isn’t it time, with Vice President Biden’s coming, to finally get rid of this disgraceful intrusion on Syracuse University’s front yard on Waverly Avenue by getting rid of those intrusive vehicles and closing the overhead doors? All the vehicles have wheels, so all that it would take is a couple of pointed emails to do this.

David C. Ashley 55’

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