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Letters to the Editor

The Centers at St. Camillus coordinator thanks Syracuse community for continued generosity and support

How do you bring the childlike wonder of the holiday season to older adult residents and patients in a skilled nursing and rehabilitation community?

You take an already incredibly caring staff, add dozens of dedicated volunteers and then top them off with even more love and joy from visiting groups and generous individuals from throughout central New York.

On Thursday, December 17, well-known Syracuse singer Maria DeSantis, along with a handful of her talented friends, performed a holiday concert that brought smiles to residents and patients at The Centers at St. Camillus through lots of love, laughter and song. Various holiday entertainers have performed at St. Camillus for the last 20 holiday seasons, thanks to the annual generosity of Dr. William and Nancy Falcone of Camillus, New York. The concert also welcomed family members and volunteers, and even featured performances from staff members and a visit from a remarkably fit Saint Nick!

The Centers at St. Camillus wishes to thank the many people, families and organizations who generously donate their time, talents and other gifts to our residents and patients and their loved ones during the holiday season and throughout the year. They include area Daisies, Brownies and Cub Scouts, the Bishop Ludden Band and Chorus, Reynolds Elementary School’s Caring Kids Club in Baldwinsville, the cast and crew and producers of this year’s Solstice at the Cathedral, Friends of St. Camillus, Holy Family Church Choir, Movement Box Dance Studio’s holiday show, Sacred Heart Church, Spirit of Syracuse, St. Charles’ students, St. Camillus volunteers, and students from West Genesee District Schools, among numerous others.

To quote a few choice lyrics from a popular Christmas carol, here’s a holiday wish from St. Camillus to our many generous friends and supporters: “Love and joy come to you, and God send you a Happy New Year!”

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Connor, Relationship Development Coordinator
The Centers at St. Camillus
Syracuse, NY

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