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Letters to the Editor

SU student calls on community to promote awareness of ‘REV-NY’ program

Reforming the Energy Vision (REV-NY) looks to build a clean, resilient and affordable energy system for all New Yorkers. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Public Service Commission developed this comprehensive energy strategy to help consumers make better and more informed energy choices, protect the environment and create new jobs and better economic stability in the state of New York.

The New York Public Interest Research Group* wants to make REV REAL. REAL stands for Renewable, Equitable, Accountable and Local. New York will eventually have to gradually phase out coal-powered plants and stop new pipeline infrastructure from being built. REV will look to remove the barriers that low-income communities often face when the ability to opt for clean energy is determined by financial means. NYPIRG will support an intervener funding mechanism. By doing so, interested groups can have access to monies to hire experts so they can fully participate in the proceedings that affect the public’s interest. NYPIRG will also continue to inform local chapters and communities about REV and what it aims to do.

In order for the communities to understand REV-NY and what it aims to do, the public must be well-informed. There needs to be a firm action taken to achieve this goal. NYPIRG aims to make the dangers of the oil and gas industries known. REV should be advertised to the same extent the Climate March was in 2014. The Climate March had a bigger turn-out than expected owing to the image of the Climate March that followed the public wherever it went. There were advertisements in the NYC trains, on Facebook, Twitter — all public spaces where people interact. When people use their voice — online and in person — interest sparks. NYPIRG aims to engage the public, especially the Syracuse community, in the REV process by introducing its benefits and long-term goals to the people in much the same manner. By discussing the long-term benefits of implementing REV and introducing its ideals to the daily lives of the New York public, these pressing environmental issues will be seen not only in a new but in a REAL light.

*NYPIRG is located 732 South Crouse Ave., 2nd Floor, all help is welcome at any time.

Sarah Epelman
International Relations at Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs ‘19

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