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Letters to the Editor

SU student calls on young people to register to vote

The March 25 deadline is fast-approaching and it’s crucial that students are registering to vote for the upcoming statewide judicial elections and of course, the presidential elections. Currently, young people are the least active voting bloc in the country despite the fact that we have the most stake. Every day, elected officials make decisions regarding education, consumer rights and the environment that directly affect us. NYPIRG (New York Public Interest Research Group), the student advocacy organization on campus, has registered hundreds of students already by setting up tables in crowded areas such as the Schine Student Center as well as the dining halls. NYPIRG interns have walked around with clipboards to register as many students as possible. It’s imperative Syracuse and State University of New York College of Environmental Studies and Forestry students are participating in the political process and voicing their opinions. Even today, barriers are being created that disenfranchise students voters across the country which is why we must protect our rights here on campus by registering and showing up to the polls on Voting day! The primary elections will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016.  Before then, NYPIRG will put together screening nights of the upcoming Democratic and Republican debates to ensure students are well-informed about the candidates and prepared for Election day. Remember to use your campus address since most students will be here for both the primary and general elections. Also don’t forget, if you want to vote in this April’s presidential primary, make sure you are registered in a party having a primary. Be on the lookout for NYPRIG on campus, however if you do not, students are welcome to visit our office on 732 S. Crouse, right next to Faegan’s to grab a voter registration form. Ready, set, register!

Yara Osman, Syracuse University ’18

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