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Duck: Gabe Stern

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

Never has a word count screwed me over like this. Let’s get started:

Hillman: God bless you for living in 705 this semester. You’re a rock, always listening to others and shrugging off small mishaps. I’m glad we got to work in-house for a semester together and that I could always walk into sports and annoy you. We’ve seen each other a ton this semester and I’m extremely thankful for that.

Casey: You put your heart into every decision you make and you trust your gut, which I admire. You’re a realist in the best way and the most dedicated person I’ve met. I’ll miss your yells and random rants, and how you’re able to put things in perspective when sh*t gets hectic.

Catherine, Haley: You two are incredible. You both run this paper so well and you always seem to have a plan, even when things seem crazy. Despite how hard your jobs are, walking into management is always strangely calming. Keep up the awesome work.

Sam: Crazy to think that I knew you as some random news nerd my freshman year. Now I know you’re an absolute savage. Hopefully we’ll end up in the same city some time and go to some other random diner.

Marnie, Maggie, Chris, Sarah: People underestimate how far staff writers can take a section. I’m excited to see how much further you’ll take it in the future.

Nick: Here’s to stacking boxes in the back of the News-Press building last summer. And to that Popeye’s run.

Corey, Elizabeth: You both rock. I admire both of your talents and positive energy. Visuals was the best room to be in this semester.

Sarah S: I’m not sure when exactly we became friends but I’m really glad we did. I’ve loved seeing you almost every day this semester and you’ve saved me in class at least a dozen times. You’re incredibly selfless and a hard worker, which shows.

Diana: You have the best energy of anyone in this house and you never fail to bring up everyone’s mood, no matter the situation. I’ll miss walking into pulp just to dap you up. Period.

Aro: Who would’ve thought we barely knew each other last semester. You’re hilarious and kind. Let’s hang sometime. I’ll cook you in pool.

Talia: I can’t imagine The D.O. without you in it. Your dedication to this place is crazy. I’ll miss stumbling into visuals just to chat.

Dabbundo: My greatest accomplishment at this place was winning that one sports bet against you. I don’t even remember what it was on.

Crane: You hyped up my thrift jacket when no one else would. That’s love right there.

Emerman: Smh bro, it’s been crazy. A straight movie. Working with you has been a wonderful journalistic experience. More importantly, you’re the funniest person here. I’ll walk into sports and start laughing for no reason cause you’re a goon. Mass forever.

Kennedy: I’ll always be thankful for you hiring me and for trusting me with stories I didn’t trust myself with. You took me down a few notches and kept me down to earth, which I’m thankful for. Thanks for sending pizza during protest coverage.

Dan: Even a year later, some of my most meaningful experiences reporting have been with you. You helped my confidence as a reporter in leaps and bounds my first semester. Every time I’m around you I feel like I learn something new.

Richard: What a relief to have another Boston sports fan nearby. If I ever start caring about the Bruins you’ll be the first person I tell.

Gillian: I still don’t know how you’re able to manage all of the work that you have. I’m excited to see what you do as an assistant and beyond that.

Molly: Dude. You’re f*cking awesome. I missed seeing you on a daily basis this semester and it sucks how we won’t be in the same place for a year. But you’re one of the best people I’ve met at The D.O. and incredibly genuine with everything you do.

Nat: My fellow SA beat partner. I’m glad we both got in-house and became closer along the way. It feels like we grew up side by side here. You’ve earned everything you’ve come away with from this place, which is the fact that you’re an incredibly talented reporter. I admire your work ethic and can’t wait to see what you do in the years ahead.

Emma: I’m hyped to see how far you take news next semester. It’s insane how much you’ve grown from a quiet copy editor last spring until now, the best reporter in the house. I’ll miss your calm, relaxed, friendly presence and the banter we’ve developed this past semester. I’m glad we’ve become good friends, and you’re so easy to root for.

India: You’re one of the kindest people I’ve met and one of the best editors out there. I remember turning in a sh*t A1 this semester, half giving up on it, and you sat there for over an hour and improved it one small decision at a time. For the first time I felt like that story mattered. You care about the small things that people tend to overlook and you’re a role model for how to be a team player and a good person. I’m proud to have worked with you these past two semesters.

Anna H: Pretty unchill of you to leave for France this semester. I’ve had to hold back so many random fist-bumps. I miss you randomly walking into the news section and yelling at me for random sh*t. Also you showing up at my apartment and flipping over my furniture. Also, just hanging around while you give some hot take. You’re one of my closest friends at The D.O. and SU, and hopefully we’ll see each other before August.

KJ: Who would’ve thought a NEW 205 profile could be so worthwhile. It’s crazy to think we’ve barely known each other for a year and a half. I’m glad to have someone in-house that I can be so raw with. You’re one of my closest friends at SU and someone who I know will be real, no matter the circumstance. You put everything you have into this place and it shows. Senior staff life is gonna be wild. We made it.

Jorts: I’m back baby. Let’s get it. Shoutout Nick De$antis.

Mom, Dad, Leo, Grammy:  Thanks for being my biggest supporters.

Liran: Word.

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